Cowgirls. You may be thinking that cowgirls are pretty girls who are like cowboys but female. But, you're wrong. Cowgirls are really badass AND pretty.

^ Lovely cowgirls in their lovely boots and hats.

Cowgirls are super stong because most girls have cooties. I'm scared of cooties because in second grade a girl held my hand and everyone said I had cooties and I was so sad that I moved. Just kidding, I actually moved because my dad got a job. But the cooties part is real.

For example, Dolly Parton. She's amazing and lovely and if I looked half as good as her you'd be lucky to catch me in anything but my birthday suit.

Girls are nice. They have pretty hair and pretty clothes. But they always steal boys from me so SOME girls who steal HOT BOYS AWAY FROM ME SUCK!!!! I'M LOOKING AT YOU CHRISTINA YOU'RE A FAKE COWGIRL!!!!!!!!!!