HOWDY. And welcome to THE MOST WESTERN WEBSITE EVER. If you disagree you're retarded. My name is Cowboy Michael and I'm a cowboy. Sorry if you don't like cowboys, because this site is ALL ABOUT WILD WEST COWBOYS!

If you don't like cowboys that means you probably don't know what a cowboy even is. Well, I'm here to say that you're a stinky poo poo loser and you should learn what a cowboy is because cowboys are great.

I feel The current mood of BRIDE2BE at


What is a cowboy? A cowboy is a cool person who rides horses and shoots losers for the greater good. Cowboy is an umbrella term. There are cowboys, cowgirls, cowfolk, cowwhatever. If you put cow- then a word that describes you that's really all there is to it. But cowfolk, cowboys, and cowgirls are the most common.

Can cowboys be gay? Yes!!! REAL cowboys are nice to everyone (minus hooligans) and iif you see a hateful cowboy, they are probably a hooligan in disguise.

Can I be a hooligan? Dude... No effing way...

Can I be a cowboy? If you have a gun then all you need is a hat. Then you can shoot stuff and be a cowboy. Hell yeah!

Why are cowboys so cool? Cowboys are naturally cool because there's a chemcial in the brain called westatonin and it makes cowboys look badass. If you don't like cowboys you're probably retarded in the brain, sorry.

Spread the Cowboy virus with THIS NEAT BUTTON!!

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I like cowboys a lot. They're everything that's cool. Guns, horses, and blood. So friggin awesome...